Hashtag FYP - #fyp

What is the #fyp and how to get there?

The #fyp is when you go viral and Tiktok has 90% certainty that you will like the video. A lot of people think, by using Hashtag fyp that they will go viral. Unfortunately that is not how it works, There is a bigger chance that it will backfire and put you on the spam list.

Why you aren't getting any views

There are a few things you should avoid when starting your Tiktok Channel, And making video's. Below I will discuss 1 of them, Most new Tiktoker's make this mistake!

let's talk about the The For You Page (FYP)!

Most people want to reach the FYP so they can get a lot of views, therefore almost everyone is using the hashtag #fyp, in their videos. That's a big mistake! The #FYP page is a reward, And the last step of going viral.

If you want to start your Tiktok channel and get views you should avoid the Hashtag fyp, this is not how it works. And this might led to you getting on the #fyp spam list.

Tiktok don't hate you, even if you've been trying for months or even years and you're not getting views. This Academy will bring light to your situation and help you with the right strategy, so you can get thousands up to millions of views again.

There are a few things you should implement before publishing your video, that are way more important than the #fyp. The hashtag #fyp doesn't add any value, it can only work against you.

Lesson summery:

  • The #fyp is a reward
  • The #fyp is, When a video has already proven itself, in the smaller audience
  • You should avoid the #fyp
  • #fyp won't let you go viral

In this Course we will discuss what you should do to jump start your channel.

Let's jump into the next lesson!

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